Monday 5 March 2012


One of my latest attempts of expression...


This ocean that you laid in front of me is endless,
Angry, threatening waves come closer and closer.
Dry wind.
Will I ever see my blue sky in this dark reflection?
We walk, and walk, blind sheep ready to forget, ready to touch the cold of the unknown,
We walk and walk some more, alone, driven by lust and ego.

I want to rise from the see, pure, untouched,
I want to hold the hand that brings much needed warmth, much needed love,
I want to purify my soul of false prophecies and guilty love,
I want you to revive my tired being with a kiss of eternity.

1 comment:

  1. " o aud de la mari departari si glasul ei ma tulbura..
    ii vad chipul si chipul ei ma stapaneste.
    Am sa-mi incerc norocul sa ajung pana la ea.
    Nu ma tem de moarte, nu ma tem de nimic!
    vreau numai sa fiu fericit!

